The Extreme STEAM Science Kids Marketing Plan

It is extremely important to differentiate yourself from your competition.  You want to be the only ship sailing on the blue ocean while every other ship is battling on the red ocean.  Extreme STEAM Science Kids was created for that very reason.  Park Shore Country Day Camp started with 27 science campers and now has more than doubled its enrollment.  In addition, more community awareness of its science program was created.


Launching a new program at your camp is very exciting. The Extreme STEAM Science Kids Robotics Program is a turn-key operation once your staff is chosen and they have utilized our Professional Development to familiarize themselves with the program. Now it’s time to get the word out!


Marketing Objectives:

To create awareness and excitement for your new program and build enrollment.


Target Markets: 

Children in grades K-5

There are different cultures interested in educational opportunities rather than recreational ones.   These families are very interested in giving their children more educational programs for their future success.  If Robotics is being offered they will be interested to check out what you are doing.  You should market to these families by going to their schools, religious centers, viewed media outlets and social networks.   You should also offer to run a free session at their facilities to create interest and  potential enrollment.  This should be done whether you are trying to attract them to your camp or after-school programs.


Marketing Strategies:

Below are suggestions on how to create awareness for your new Extreme STEAM Science Kids Robotics Program.



Utilization of your present website to promote awareness of your new program is essential. A prominent position at your website with beautiful pictures and detailed information will showcase your new endeavor. Proper SEO will will make your program searchable and findable.


Social Media:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, etc: (When possible provide a link back to your website)

  • Posts about your new Extreme STEAM Science Kids Robotics Program with links back to your website
  • Posts about Robotics, STEAM Education, 21st Century Skills and their importance
  • Paid Facebook and Instagram advertising
  • Join various local Facebook groups and post about your new program or any free events (when allowed)


Email Marketing:

Utilize robust email marketing tools such as Constant Contact or Mail Chimp. Email lead acquisition is vital in today’s digital age.

  • Promotional & Informational Newsletters to your present camp families and inquiries
  • Invitations to Free Events


Free Events:

Host free events/classes to showcase your new program! Running FREE one hour Extreme STEAM Robotics classes at your camp or a different location if you are a resident camp is an excellent way to build traffic.  You will get those families who want technology education for their child.  We have found that there are not many programs like this offered so you should get traffic coming to you.  This creates the beginning of a relationship which could translate into enrollments.

Promote your event:

  • Post your event to Social Media
  • Post to your Website
  • Post to local Facebook Groups
  • Email your current camp families and inquiries


Community Awareness:

Create awareness within your community by reaching out to local school and organizations and working together to provide information about your program to their members and students.

Elementary schools are a perfect place to offer this program.  Try to establish a relationship with your surrounding school districts so flyers can be sent home with the students.   Always make sure to have a knowledgeable person about your robotics program to answer the inquiries you are trying to generate.

Barnes and Noble has added technology to their inventory and sell the Dash Robot.  Try to run a free session at a store near you under your brand.  Once a year they run a Mini Maker Faire which you should become part of for more exposure.

Donating money creates goodwill.  If it is in your budget to donate to a religious facility, public or private school you can possibly get more exposure and freedom to advertise in these locations.

  • Schools
  • Religious Organizations (Churches, Temples, Mosques)
  • Local Businesses



Once you have created your Extreme STEAM Robotics Program, send out press releases to all news media in your area.  Your local politicians might want to take their picture with campers using a robot.  Technology education is huge and growing everyday.  This is another way to attract families to your camp.


The overall concept that must be maintained is that your program is engaging, exciting, meets the demands of the families you are serving and led by a dynamic instructor.  It is also helping campers and students during the year increase their 21st century skills by strengthening their critical thinking, teamwork, creativity and adaptability.  The concepts should be used when advertising your robotics program.